
Restoring Mobility, Relieving Pain

The Department of Physiotherapy at Medeor Hospital, Dubai, provides comprehensive physiotherapy services to patients with various conditions, including those recovering from heart attacks, strokes, and injuries. From strength training and stamina building to pain management and postoperative care, our physiotherapists help you reach your physical goals. Our goal is to help each patient achieve optimal function, mobility, and independence and help them achieve the best possible outcome.

Neck Pain 

Back Pain 

Shoulder Tendinitis 

Frozen Shoulder 

Tennis Elbow 

Wrist Pain 

Knee Arthritis

Ligament Sprains and Muscle Strains

Plantar Fasciitis

Sports Injuries

Orthopedic Pre and Post-Surgical Rehabilitation

ACL Reconstruction

Arthroscopic Surgeries


Cranial and Peripheral Nerve Disorders

Degenerative Diseases of the Central Nervous System

Pre and Postnatal Care (Pelvic Floor Muscle Strengthening Program)


Muscle Re-Education

Manual Therapy

Trigger Point Release

Dry Needling

Strapping and Taping

Personalized Therapeutic Exercise Programs

Postural and Ergonomic Advice

Pilates and Core Stabilization Routine

Resistance Exercise Training


Ultrasound Therapy

Magneto Therapy

LASER Therapy

Shock Wave Therapy

Book Appointment with our Experts

Anmol Ganglani (P.T.)
Akhil Mathew (P.T.)
Priyanka Mehta (PT)
Sadiksha Bajracharya (PT)
Deebash Thakurathi (PT)
Faisal Sherwani (PT)
Meryl Joe Colaco (P.T.)

Medeor Specialties