Clinical Psychology

Bringing out the Best in People

The Department of Clinical Psychology at Medeor Hospital, Dubai, provides psychological evaluation and treatment for patients of all ages with various disorders, including mood and anxiety disorders, trauma-related conditions, psychotic disorders, eating disorders, and personality disorders. The department also offers consultation services to other hospital departments. Our clinical psychologists work as part of a multidisciplinary team of psychiatrists, nurses, and other experts to provide evidence-based treatments in a caring environment.

Disorders – Generalized Anxiety, Phobia, Social Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Disorders – Depression, Bipolar

Psychosomatic Disorders Disorders

Relationship Issues- Especially Marital, Family, and other Interpersonal Issues

Bereavement Counseling/ Grief Therapy

Chronic Pain Conditions

Addictive Behaviour

Stress Management

Anger Management

Sexual Dysfunctions

Developmental Disorders: Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Mental Retardation

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Learning Disability/ Dyslexia

Childhood Emotional Disorders – Anxiety as well as Depression

Behavioral Problems

Eating Disorders

Examination Anxiety, School Refusal

Assessment of Intelligence, Learning Potential, ADHD, Autism, Personality, Vocational Interest, Aptitude, and Various other Psychological Functions

Book Appointment with our Experts

Reena Thomas

Medeor Specialties