
Healing Hearts, Saving Lives

The Department of Cardiology at the Medeor Hospital, Dubai, provides comprehensive care to patients with acute and chronic heart conditions. We offer medical, diagnostic, and surgical services—including cardiac pacing, catheterization, electrophysiology, MRI, pacemakers and defibrillators, rehabilitation services, and vascular surgery—to help our patients stay healthy and active. Our staff is committed to treating every patient with the compassion they deserve while providing the best possible care. Our goal is to provide our patients with access to all of the resources they need in one convenient location.

Consultant Cardiologist Consultation

ECG – Electrocardiography

ECHO – Echocardiography

TMT – Exercise Treadmill Testing

Stress Echocardiography

ABPM – Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring

Long Term Arrhythmia – Holter Monitor

Book Appointment with our Experts

Binjo J Vazhappilly

Medeor Specialties