Sharath Kumar Maila

Dr. Sharath Kumar Maila Specialist Neurosurgeon

Years of Experience : 20

Nationality : India

Languages Known : English, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam

Education & Training: MBBS, DNB (Gen Surgery), M.Ch (Neurosurgery), Member American Association of Neurosurgeons, Member Congress of Neurosurgeons (USA)

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Dr. Sharath Kumar Maila is a Specialist Neurosurgeon at Medeor Hospital, Dubai. He was a university topper and gold medalist in the Specialty of Neurosurgery. He has a vast experience in neuro-onco surgeries and performed over 120 surgeries under the Intraop MRI Guidance (3.0T IntraOP MRI). He has good experience in simple and complex spine surgeries, skull base and cerebrovascular surgeries, pediatric neuro and spine surgeries, functional neurosurgeries, and endoscopic and exoscopic guidance.

Research & Publications

  • Utility and pitfalls of high-field 3 Tesla intraoperative MRI in neurosurgery: A single-center experience of 100 cases, Accepted and awaiting publication in Neurology India, 2019
  • Factors affecting the outcome of surgical evacuation of spontaneous deep intracerebral bleeds: SK Maila British journal of neurosurgery 29 (5), 668-671
  • Evaluation of implant stabilization in tubercular Spondylodiscitis: a prospective study.  MAILA, Sharath Kumar et al., International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 10, p. 2647-2653, Jan. 2017. ISSN 2320-6012
  • Isolated Abducens Nerve Avulsion at Pontomedullary Sulcus following Trivial Head Injury: SK Maila, RS Sunnadkal, Indian Journal of Neurosurgery 4 (03), 177-179
  • In situ posterolateral and fibular interbody fusion in High-grade spondylolisthesis: PR Gollapudi, S Kotakadira, PK Nandigama, R Karla, SK Maila, British journal of neurosurgery 27 (4), 454-458
  • Clinical outcome following microvascular decompression for trigeminal neuralgia.
GB Rao, SK Maila, AL Rao, AM Reddy: International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences; Vol 3, No 7 (2015): July 2015
  • Microsurgical excision of intracranial epidermoids: a short surgical series of 12 cases: SKMaila, Bhaskar Godugu, Mastan Reddy Ambarapu, Lakshman Rao Akyam International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 3 (11), 3187-3191
  • Posterior cervical arthrodesis by Lateral mass screws fixation – a long term follow-up study: Bhaskar G, Sharath Kumar Maila , Lakshman Rao A, Journal of Chalmeda Anand Rao Institute of Medical Sciences 9 (1), 1-5
  • Post Traumatic Instability of Sub-Axial Cervical Spine - Reduction and Internal Fixation by Lateral Mass Screws: A Long Term Follow-Up Study. Godagu Bhaskar, Ambarapu Mastan Reddy, Akyam Lakshman Rao, Sharath Kumar Maila.: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2015; Vol. 4, Issue 79, October 01; Page: 13856-13862, DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2015/1974
  • Traumatic intracranial prolapse of eyeball–a case report: PR Gollapudi, PK Nandigama, SK Maila, R Karla, S Kotakadira British journal of neurosurgery 27 (1), 114-116
  • Intraoperative Neuromonitoring During Sciatic Nerve Schwanomma Excision: Utility of Evoked Potentials.Manohar N, Balasubramaniam A, Kumar MS, Rao K, Srinivas D, Dhritiman C.: J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2018 March 02. DOI: 10.1097/ANA.0000000000000481.


  • American Association of Neurosurgeons
  • Congress of Neurologic Surgeons, USA
  • Neurologic Society of India
  • International Society of Neuro-Oncol Surgeons
  • A P Neuroscientists Association

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