Internal Medicine

Improving Health, Supporting Wellbeing

The Department of Internal Medicine at the Medeor Hospital, Abu Dhabi, provides comprehensive and compassionate care for adults, focusing on prevention, wellness, and disease management. Our department is staffed by cutting-edge physicians who are leaders in their fields. Together with our highly trained staff, they are committed to the highest patient care and education standards. We deliver excellence in patient care through innovation and a dedication to continuous improvement. We offer our patients a full range of services in all primary care areas for adults, including managing chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, obesity, liver disease, and renal failure.

Disease Risk Assessment, Investigations, and Management

Treatment of Communicable Diseases like Tuberculosis, Typhoid, and Gastroenteritis

Common Ailments like Sore Throat, Colds and Flu, Headaches, Ear Infections, Urinary Tract Infections, Allergies, and Hepatitis

Medical Management of Chronic Diseases like Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome, Lipid Disorders

Management of Lifestyle Diseases like Hypertension, Diabetes, and Cardiovascular Diseases

Medical Management of Geriatric Patients

Preoperative Assessment and Management of Patients Undergoing Surgery

Book Appointment with our Experts

Abdelgader Siddig
Champa Rajani
Khalid Mamdooh Alkubaisy
Riyaz Sherief
Sherin Hussain

Medeor Abu Dhabi Specialties